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What to Expect After Nonsurgical Body Contouring

What to Expect After Nonsurgical Body Contouring

You’re dedicated to your healthy eating and exercise program, but you’re not getting the transformative results you expect. 

We get it. Eating a balanced diet and getting regular physical activity can help you get to a healthy weight, boost your mood, and improve health, but it may not get you that drop-dead body you’ve been dreaming about since you started your weight-loss journey.

Enter nonsurgical body contouring. Thanks to advances in medical technology, we can help you get the body you want without surgery. What?!

 At Weston Medical Health & Wellness in Weston, Florida, we use state-of-the-art Verjú® from Erchonia® for nonsurgical body contouring. 

In this month's blog, our medical director, Dr. Andrea Bretal, shares with you what you can expect after nonsurgical body contouring.

About nonsurgical body contouring

You have many options to choose from when it comes to contouring your body. 

We like Verjú because it’s FDA-cleared to treat the whole body. Unlike other nonsurgical body-contouring tools, Verjú treats the circumference of the body part undergoing treatment, allowing for a more balanced reduction in body fat and better aesthetic results.

On top of that, Verjú uses a green light laser to get rid of the unwanted fat. Most other body-contouring laser tools use a red light laser. The green light laser is a safer laser tool and produces more energy than red light lasers, so you get better results.

The nonsurgical body-contouring device targets the fat cells under the skin, causing the lipids in the cell to break free, shrinking the fat cells. Your body’s lymphatic system then removes the lipids from the treated area. 

Verjú also tightens the skin and breaks up fibrous tissue, improving skin tone and reducing the appearance of cellulite. 

Getting nonsurgical body contouring

Many people want to know what nonsurgical body contouring feels like. “Is it painful?”, is a question we get asked a lot.

Our body-contouring tool doesn’t touch the body, and treatment is quick and painless. Sessions usually take about 30 minutes, and you can resume your normal activities once you’re done.

We encourage drinking plenty of water following your nonsurgical body-contouring treatment to help flush out the fat. 

After nonsurgical body contouring

No body damage and no downtime are some of the benefits of nonsurgical body contouring, saving you time for recovery. However, because the treatment is noninvasive, results aren’t immediate.

You may notice improvements in your body shape about four weeks after your session and continued improvements over the next several weeks. 

We encourage eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise so you get the best possible results from your nonsurgical body-contouring treatments. These healthy habits also help you maintain your new shape

Nonsurgical body contouring isn’t a weight-loss treatment, and we only recommend the service if you’re at or close to your goal weight.

Though results are gradual and can take several weeks, you can expect a slimmer body following body contouring at our wellness clinic. Do you want to learn more about body contouring at Weston Medical Health & Wellness? Give our office a call at 954-389-1800 or request an appointment online. We can talk to you about the noninvasive aesthetic treatment and how it can help you reach your goals.

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