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How to Support a Loved One After Bariatric Surgery

How to Support a Loved One After Bariatric Surgery

Having bariatric surgery is life-changing. Though results from the procedure are remarkable, adjusting to the new lifestyle that comes with the surgery is challenging for some people.

Getting the right support from friends and family can go a long way. How can you support a loved one after bariatric surgery?

At Weston Medical Health & Wellness in Weston, Florida, our obesity medicine specialist, Dr. Andrea Bretal, provides medical management for patients before and after bariatric surgery

We know the struggles patients face and want to provide suggestions on how you can support your loved one after bariatric surgery. 

Learn about bariatric surgery

Learning everything you can about the procedure prior to their surgery is one of the best ways you can support your loved one after. This is especially important if you’re taking care of your loved one immediately following the procedure.

Go to the presurgical appointments together so you understand more about the surgery, how to prepare, and what to expect afterward. These appointments also provide information about the post-bariatric surgery lifestyle, including nutrition needs. 

Revamp your kitchen

What your loved one eats and drinks afterward is an important piece of the bariatric surgery plan. The procedure changes the size of the stomach, limiting the amount of food a person can eat. Update your kitchen so you have nutritious foods your loved one can eat. 

Help your loved one while on the transitional diet. Immediately after bariatric surgery, your loved one needs to follow a special diet that provides the nutrition they need and allows the body to heal. 

The transitional diet is an essential part of the postsurgical plan. Your loved one starts out drinking small amounts of liquids, slowly advancing to small amounts of pureed food, emphasizing lean sources of protein like poultry and fish. 

As their body heals, they move on to softer foods and finally their regular diet. Your loved one also needs to stay hydrated, drinking fluids in between meals.

Providing emotional and practical support as they go through each phase of the transitional diet helps them get the nutrition they need.

Follow the same eating schedule

The post-bariatric surgery diet is a healthy plan that emphasizes lean proteins and vegetables. Your loved one can only eat small amounts at a time and may eat more often than in the past. You may want to get on the same eating schedule so you can enjoy meals together.

They also need to take their time when eating, making sure they chew their food thoroughly. Meal times are longer and having company makes it easier for them to stick with the plan.

Working together on creating healthy habits can lead to long-term success.

Get support for yourself

Your loved one may have gotten the surgery, but it affects you too. If you’re struggling with the life change, talk to a professional or find a support group. 

Taking care of yourself is important and can help you better care for your loved one.

We provide services for patients before and after bariatric surgery. If you and your loved one are struggling, schedule an appointment with Dr. Bretal for guidance.  

Give our office a call at 954-389-1800 or request an appointment online.

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