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Can Hormone Therapy Stop My Weight Gain?

Can Hormone Therapy Stop My Weight Gain?

Sex hormone levels naturally decline as you get older. Though the change in hormone levels causes many problematic symptoms, a decrease in sex hormone production may also lead to weight gain. 

At Weston Medical Health & Wellness in Weston, Florida, our medical director and weight-loss specialist, Dr. Andrea Bretal, uses hormone therapy to support weight loss when appropriate.

Can hormone therapy stop your weight gain? Maybe. But we may recommend incorporating lifestyle changes too. 

Hormones and weight

Sex hormones — female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone and the male sex hormone testosterone ― do more than just maintain reproductive health. They also influence bone health, muscle mass, and the distribution of body fat.

When sex hormone levels decrease as you get older, your body composition changes. You may lose lean muscle mass and gain more body fat. These changes may affect your weight and make it harder for you to maintain your desired weight.

About hormone therapy

Hormone therapy aims to restore your hormone balance, improving health and well-being. When you come in with concerns about hormone levels and weight gain, we conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your struggles.

We review your weight and medical history and find out what your concerns are. We also look for common symptoms associated with changes in hormone levels, like unexpected weight gain, fatigue, mood changes, and low libido.

If we suspect hormones are contributing to your symptoms and weight gain, we check your blood levels. We only recommend hormone therapy if your hormone levels are low and you don’t have any contraindications for use, like a history of breast cancer or heart disease. We then customize your hormone therapy to match your unique hormonal needs. 

Restoring hormone balance with hormone therapy may help your weight-loss efforts, but it’s not a cure-all. 

Stopping the weight gain

When it comes to weight, we take a holistic and individualized approach. We know no single method works for everyone, and hormone therapy is just one of the treatments we offer to help our patients reach their weight goals. 

In order to stop the weight gain, we encourage eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise. We have a nutrition specialist on staff to help with customizing your nutrition plan.

For our patients struggling with obesity, as well as our patients who are overweight and have weight-related complications like diabetes, we may recommend phentermine — a weight-loss medication that helps control hunger. 

We also offer lipotropic shots, which contain a mix of natural ingredients that boost energy and weight loss. 

When left untreated, hormonal imbalance may lead to weight gain. If you’re struggling with your weight, whether it’s hormone-related or not, we can help. Call our office today at 954-466-9679 or request an appointment online. 

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